By Wendiam
West Sussex,
United Kingdom
There's a place near me that sells manure from rabbits, chickens and pigs - mixed or seperated. Does anyone have any experience of these manures and how long should I leave them to rot before putting on the plot.
2 Feb, 2010
thanks for the advice Cliffo. Would it be better to get it mixed and use it when rotted?
2 Feb, 2010
entirly up to you ,you pay the piper so you call the tune,but if you are geting it mixed please try some under your spuds, you may get potatoes better than mine, happy gardening.
2 Feb, 2010
All manures should be well rotted before you use them and they will be rotted enough when they stop smelling like pooh and smell more like soil. This will take longer at this time of year as the bacteria grow better with warmth. As Cliffo says these are great for your spuds and also for your bean trench. Spread over your plot in the autumn it will add nutrients to the soil for next years growth. Spread around your flowers during the growing season will result in great blooms and displays. The only problem with using it "raw" would be the smell, you would not be popular with your neighbours! ! ! Confined to a heap the smell would be a lot less noticeable if you keep it covered, perhaps with old carpet!
3 Feb, 2010
Thanks guys - one more thing, we have a dog and also a lot of foxes around [not sure which is worse - the noise the foxes make or the dog barking at silly o'clock because he can see them in the garden]. Don't want to do anything that will encourage either the dog or the foxes onto my veg plot.
3 Feb, 2010
Dogs and fox's are both canines and have very similar tendencies. Your dog barks "at silly o'clock" because another dog species (the fox's) has invaded his space! I'm sure he would be the same if another dog came into the garden. As for your veggies, neither will eat anything you grow but their manure is definitely a no no! If either does do their business on your plot then remove it to the bin!
3 Feb, 2010
I was thinking more of the attraction of Rabbit / Chicken manure to them rather than dog or fox poo on the plot and, incidentally, my dog will 'help' picking the broad beans in tubs if he can get the chance [that's my fault, they are on his walk round the garden route and he saw me pull them off one day and decided to have a sample - he's a Cocker Spaniel and the tubs are at just the right height for him]. He has also been known to help himself to baby courgettes as well - not a bad dog, just likes his veggies!!!!
Thanks for all your other advice - it really is very helpful.
3 Feb, 2010
A good sign that manure is well enough rotted down is if there are weeds starting to grow on it.
I use a product call 'Scoot' to keep moggies off my veggie patch with good results. Comes in a small box and you add it to water and water it on. Fences are good too lol
3 Feb, 2010
the only way to stop your dog being so protective over your plot is to take away his 2 reasens for doing so but he is just doing what nature taught will stop him cocking his leg unless its become a habit because hes getting on a bit wendiam .
hello cliffo i just wonderd if a dustnig was a technical term lol and if so is it more or less than a gnats c%$k excuse my french lol.
3 Feb, 2010
I always take a dustnig of lime with my elevensies..... lol
4 Feb, 2010
fare enough sid with the dolphin fungas.thats all i see when i look at your avatar lol
4 Feb, 2010
Eeeeeek! Eeeeeek! Eeeeeeek! (my impression of a dolphin)
4 Feb, 2010
i could tell lol i thaught youd seen my photo sid lol xx
4 Feb, 2010
there the biggest weight for weight brained mammal on the planet and they say we are the cleverest beings . makes you wonder
4 Feb, 2010
That's my best impression LOL Never seen wild dolphins, but seen wild killer whales once (they are a type of dolphin aparently) - absolutely amazing - this one female (she was the length of the boat, and it was not a small boat!!) she came up along side the boat on her side so that her eye was on top and she could get a good look at all the strange creatures up there looking down at her! You could see her eye moving from one person to the next.....and then she just glided away underneath the water.....we were very much in HER world...she didn't seem to mind us being there lol
5 Feb, 2010
wow awsome dolphins are the toothed whales and orcas orca ie the killer whale is the biggest of the toothed whales even though sperm whales have teeth at the bottem there not included .the great white isnt the top predetor in the sea as they say it is the killer whale . they actualy openly hunt them given the very envious sid you were blessed.ow killer whales and wolves have a bad name but unprevoked there isnt a case of either ever attacking man. im full of rubbish lol.
5 Feb, 2010
No you're not full of rubbish lol I spent a month travelling around Canada years ago and saw the whales just off Vancouver Island, but I think you can see them off Scotland idea for a summer holiday for you maybe NP?! ;-)
6 Feb, 2010
id love to sid i have an urge to vissit edinbouragh excuse my spelling lol.
7 Feb, 2010
I don't think you'll find any whales in Edinbourgh NP?! LOL
How'd we get from rabbit manure to whales anyhoo...? ;-)
7 Feb, 2010
I don't know Sid, but it's certainly been entertaining!
7 Feb, 2010
i just thaught kill to whales with one stone lol .
7 Feb, 2010
Well all I can say'd need a pretty big stone! ;-)
Wendiam - Sorry we hijacked your question with all this sillyness lol
I wonder if whale manure is good for anything......and how you'd go about collecting it........????!!!!
8 Feb, 2010
That's ok Sid - I think the whale manure would make a pretty good liquid fertilizer, especially with all that fish and plancton they eat. As to how you would collect it...... I would buy it by the bottle from the whaleway station!!!! Boom-Boom
8 Feb, 2010
Groooooooooaaaaaaannnnnn.................x-D You're as bad as us you are......
8 Feb, 2010
and ofcourse give the diver a medal for collecting it lol
8 Feb, 2010
......not a job I think I'd apply for... :-P Now, if you could pursuade the whales to wear napplies NP you'd be quids in ;-)
9 Feb, 2010
wear ever is this question going sid lol . huge water proof nappies .that divers going to be very busy i guess lol .
9 Feb, 2010
I hadn't thought that that....having to be waterproof....not sure that would work as it might make the whales too boyant if it was full of air.....whales wouldn't look right if they were bobbing about on the surface wearing giant nappies. That's a silly idea NP! x-D
10 Feb, 2010
and wearing nappies isnt sid lol xx
11 Feb, 2010
Okay Guys - this should put an end to this nappy nonsense. This is genuine, I work for a firm of consulting civil and structural engineers and we get invites to these seminars all the time. Thought this topic was pertinent to this blog.
Waterproofing Presentation
Duration I Hour
Venue Your office or ours.
Time. At your convenience
My other thought was to fit them [the whales] with colostomy bags and collect direct [but I thought that was going a bit too far].
11 Feb, 2010
very good wend apart from a wale has know leg to strap it to lol .
11 Feb, 2010
Think we've just got to face the facts guys - the logistics of whale manure production are just too troublesome. What about giraff's instead?!
12 Feb, 2010
well that sounds much better just think how tall the bags could be lol.
12 Feb, 2010
Yeah, I'd say giraff's would be better - although that would be sticking my neck out.... ;-)
13 Feb, 2010
i believe the answers on this question are getting a bit leggy lol .
14 Feb, 2010
I think it's starting to REACH the HEIGHT of sillyness. Whatever will we get up to neck(st) ? lol
14 Feb, 2010
im trying to think of something clever sid but i cant at the moment . very good bye the way . take care bye for now xx
14 Feb, 2010
Yeah, I think we're both starting to scrape the barrel here ..... still, passes the time until spring arrives :-) How's Sid?
15 Feb, 2010
ow sids great sid as it goes . a propper little character.if i get any more dogs ill be able to teach them football lol . you got to have a laugh . theres plenty to cry about sid . i cant weight for the spring either . i got some mad ideas for my garden thats having a complete sculpted revamp .im not telling you . ill show you when its done . hopefully in time for my open garden on the 13th of june or most of it. i think ill only have time for some ,tidy it up a lick of paint and some next year. i think if my garden was ever actualy finished id get bored lol.the rest of the dogs are good to.take care bye for now xx
15 Feb, 2010
Oh good. I like to know my namesake is OK ;-) You're right - sometimes you have to laugh at life coz otherwise you'd have to cry! I try to remember, if I've got a roof over my head and some food in teh cupboard, then I'm better off than a lot of people in the word. I can't wait for spring....already sowing seeds but nothing up yet lol Looking forward to seeing your new projects for 2010! Glad your pack are all good, take care ;-)
16 Feb, 2010
thank you so much sis you took the words out of my mouth ya thief lol x x .
17 Feb, 2010
18 Feb, 2010
lol xx
18 Feb, 2010
pig ' only ever used it for the bottom of potato trenches coverd with soil so that it canot burn the sets, grate crops,,rabbit ,good natural manure , chickens needs to weather, I used to dry it and sprinkke on the onion bed during growing season with a dustnig of lime dug in after lifting the crop because it attracts wireworms,
2 Feb, 2010