United Kingdom
I bought some double Hellebore plug plants in spring 2009 and planted them in the garden when they arrived, in an area with other hellebores. Since then they have done nothing, maybe that is a lie, one of them grew two leaves! Are they normally so slow or should I have potted them up to bigger pots before planting them out. Any suggestionto hurry them up?
2 Feb, 2010
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~proof will be in the pudding Bulbaholic~ I bought a mixed lot of un named seedlings some years ago from Farmyard Nursery~ they have a good online site~but only 40 miles from me~ most of them were doubles including a very pretty pink/green.
I would have put them in pots and most of mine still are ~give them a chance
sometimes it looks as as though nothing much is happening for a couple of seasons and then they get into their stride and have loads of flowers~ they don't like too much wind or lots of hot sunshine.
see this info from the RHS
Hellebores (sometimes known as the Christmas or Lenten rose) are perennial garden plants with elegant flowers, perfect for brightening up shady areas during late winter and early spring. Some species are grown for their striking evergreen architectural foliage.
Cultivation notes
Hellebores prefer to grow in rich, well-drained soil in dappled shade. Avoid planting in very dry or waterlogged soil. Provide shelter from strong, cold winds.
Water during dry spells and mulch annually with leaf mould, chipped bark or other organic matter in autumn.
Where growth is unsatisfactory, apply a general-purpose fertiliser, such as growmore or fish, blood & bone, in spring at 50-70g per square metre (1½-2 oz per square yard). Container grown specimens can be fed with balanced liquid fertiliser, or with a high potassium fertiliser such as tomato feed, to encourage blooms.
Pruning and training
The subtle flowers of hellebores are often hidden by the large leaves, so ensure they can be seen clearly by removing a few older leaves from the centre of the clump. At the same time remove any dead, diseased or damaged foliage that can harbour hellebore leaf spot, an unsightly fungal disease. Exposing the flowers in this way will also help insects to pollinate the flowers and ensure good seed set for new plants that can be propagated from the resulting seed.
After flowering, tidy up plants as below:
* For stinking hellebore (H. foetidus) and H. argutifolius: cut off flowered stems at ground level.
* For other hellbores: deadhead spent flowers only.
Large clumps of named cultivars and most species can be increased by division in early spring, although many professional growers prefer to divide Oriental hybrids (Helleborus x hybridus) in September.
For the best results, ensure that clumps are split into several pieces of a reasonable size, with at least one growth point, and water well until they are established in the soil. The new divisions may be slow to establish, due to the lack of fine roots, and flowering may be poor in the following year, but they are likely to settle in given time.
Exceptions: Helleborus foetidus and H.argutifolius are not suitable for division, but can be raised by sowing fresh seed early in the year. It may take two to three years before plants reach flowering size.
good luck
2 Feb, 2010
I was bought 10 'double' Hellebore plugs from T&M three years ago. I planted them in pots and grew them on for 12 months before planting out. The flowered last Spring, everyone a double.
If they were grown by micropropagation, taken from a double plant then they would all be doubles, but the same.
I have grown seed taken from a double (unusual to produce seeds as most doubles are formed by the petalling of the seed producing part of the flowers). They should flower this Spring, be interesting to see what happens with them.
3 Feb, 2010
Good point, Owdboggy. I was forgetting that doubles are generally sterile and so the plugs would have been micropropogated.
3 Feb, 2010
I grew mine from seed and they took about 5ish years to flower.
3 Feb, 2010
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Hellebores will take a year or two to reach flowering size but I would have grown them on in pots first.
I am interested to see that they were sold as 'double' hellebors. I wouldn't have thought that anyone would have known until they flowered.
2 Feb, 2010