By Greentibbs
United Kingdom
I have a weed with an extensive and deep root system.Its reddish stems grow erect and have alternate red edged heart or arroww shaped leaves. It looks as though it could have a bindweed type habit but so far it has just appeared between other plants in the garden. Can you tell me what it might be and how to control it please? Thank you.
Lesley T
4 Jul, 2013
my thoughts too worthy. any chance of adding a photo to your question.
4 Jul, 2013
If the base of the leaf is almost in a straight line across where it joins the leaf stalk, then it's possibly Japanese knotweed. The stems zig-zag very slightly at each leaf node. If the leaf base is what's called cordate, I.e. it goes in to make a heart shape of the leaf then it's probably a persicaria of some sort, and not such a problem. The knotweed is hard work to tackle.
4 Jul, 2013