By Susannah6
North Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
I have just come in from the garden and have been watching bees entering and leaving an old shed by going underneath the door. I don't know if they are in the shed itself as I daren't open the door! It looks like they are 'colonising' and wondered what I should do. Should I get anyone in to deal with them? They are not honey bees but smallish 'bumble' bees.
4 Jul, 2013
I hope that you feel you can just leave them alone, Susannah. There is a huge shortage of bees and other pollinating insects around so each and every population is important. All bees are pollinators and produce honey, not just the so called honey bees. Come the winter your bees will have died off and you can then remove any nest if you wish.
4 Jul, 2013
Agree we need to give our pollenating insects all the help and support that we can right now. I've hardly seen a bee this summer our main pollinators are wasps.
4 Jul, 2013
Thanks everyone. Wouldn't want to harm them unless they were putting my grandchildren in danger. They were dive bombing me but that's because I was in their 'flight path'! I will leave them alone if they are harmless. I have many bees in my garden as I grow wild flowers and cottage garden flowers as well as 'normal' flowers and they have been flitting from flower to flower for the last few years since I moved in. I love to see them - just not en masse!
4 Jul, 2013
Hi Susannah, These are probably the little red-tailed bumblebees and are quite placid. We have a nest in our shed under the floor. They are no trouble and we use the shed all the time. Even if you are working beside the hole in the floor they don't worry, just go round you when you are in the way. Also today I was cutting down trees and lumped the cuttings on the grass until I realised that I had heaped them in the way of the bees trying to get to their holes in the ground - so quickly moved them and put a little stick close by to remind me where they were!
We have several nests of them about the garden, last year under a sheet of tin, a lovely nest of grass and leaves, the tin went back until later in the year like Bulbaholic said.
4 Jul, 2013
Thanks for the info. I just realised I went into the shed, where I keep the larger garden tools, the day before and there was no sign of them. I think they must be, like yours, under the shed so I will continue to enjoy them and will just remember not to sit in their 'flight path'.
5 Jul, 2013
Heard this a few times lately, I shouldn't worry they WILL go......... you can pay to have them removed but if they are not coming in the house I would leave them (:0)
4 Jul, 2013