By Plachciaka
United Kingdom
When to prune apple trees, cherry trees, plum trees, kiwi and fig bushes and black grape vine?
6 Jul, 2013
S'cuse me plachkiaka but may I butt in here to thank worthy1 for this reply ? It's the perfect answer to 1/2 my question i sent in about 7 questions before this one.)
6 Jul, 2013
With the exception of kiwi I grow all of them so I've learned something too. Thank you Worthy1
You are correct about the grape pruning, but may I add that next seasons grapes will only grow on wood from the previous (i.e. last seasons green growth) so these branches should be cut back to 2 or 3 buds which will form the spurs that bear grapes for next season.
8 Jul, 2013
Cherries and plums, the general advice is DON'T.
Apples - about now, shortening back the new growths by half or so, and then again in January, shortening the resultant new growths to two buds.
Fig - tip prune the new growths now.
Grape vine, January, hard back to older growth. It'll flower (and therefore fruit) on the current season's growth.
Kiwi, late winter, shortening side shoots to about 3/4 buds from main framework.
6 Jul, 2013