By Jjgilbert
United Kingdom
Please can someone tell me what this plant is? It has appeared in a pot this year that had a foxglove in it - so self seeded.

7 Jul, 2013
Thank you Anchorman - I could have saved a lot of man hours if I'd accessed this website earlier!! Can now look up relevant info - thanks again.
7 Jul, 2013
they are lovely plants. short lived but seed freely. there is an all white and a white with a pink centre form too.
7 Jul, 2013
Thank you Seaburngirl - so I can look forward to them appearing next year! The garden is always full of self seeded aquilega that arrive from somewhere else, plus all the foxgloves - at this rate the garden centre will be losing my custom!!
7 Jul, 2013
i have these in the cracks of the drive way too. such a vibrant colour.
8 Jul, 2013
I certainly shan't mind where they self seed for next year - the colour is stunning - rather puts my other pink flowers in the shade!
8 Jul, 2013
A lovely plant which I wouldn't be without! It pops up unexpectedly, blooms reliably and profusely and has a long flowering period.
8 Jul, 2013
Thank you Pennyfarthing - I look forward with anticipation to see where it pops up next year. It is in a pot at the moment but I'm wondering whether it would be better in the ground?
11 Jul, 2013
I'd say yes. they thrive on poor soil and dry conditions
11 Jul, 2013
Thanks Anchorman - I will wait till flowering season has passed and find a spot in the garden. Many thanks to everyone who has taken the time to respond.
13 Jul, 2013
Lychnis coronaria
7 Jul, 2013