By Kaiglen
United Kingdom
can anyone identify this shrub

11 Jul, 2013
my thought was a spirea. but not certain.
11 Jul, 2013
Yes, a spiraea, one I love but hard to find these days, does not seem to be in any lists, but you see it in gardens here in the South West.
11 Jul, 2013
Spiraea rosalba I think.
11 Jul, 2013
Thanks for your suggestions will check it out
11 Jul, 2013
Not a Buddleja, that's for sure.
I believe the fluffy Spireas are often cultivars or hybrids of Spirea douglasii, possibly.
11 Jul, 2013
My first thought was a Spiraea billardii such as "Triumphans" but the leaves are dark green and your leaves look almost blue?
12 Jul, 2013
I grovel!
14 Jul, 2013
You shoudnt Steragram, as the blue tint to the leaves still make me wonder!
14 Jul, 2013
You say the nicest things Drc... Must confess I've never seen a buddleja with fluffy flowers though.
16 Jul, 2013
It might be the focus that makes it appear fluffy?
17 Jul, 2013
Its not the focus on the camera the flowers a definitely fluffy.I have researched this but cant find an exact match,thanks for your comments
17 Jul, 2013
OK. Spirea then. You can't say we didn't try...
17 Jul, 2013
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« Onions. Must get it right Below is a photo of my onions, which my friend says...
Its a buddleja - someone will know which one
11 Jul, 2013