By Hank
United Kingdom
Onions. Must get it right
Below is a photo of my onions, which my friend says I should get up now. But I thought the tops had to be yellow and dead, not green as they are at the moment ?

11 Jul, 2013
Thanks MG, i'm very relieved I didn't do as I was advised by a friend. Another month or so. Got it.
Not sure why you had to turn the laptom upside down though, I'm using an ipad the right way up, honest.
11 Jul, 2013
That is the problem Hank GoY does not support the iPad
11 Jul, 2013
Maybe you planted them upside down?
12 Jul, 2013
That's got me thinking, Myron, I'd better go out and check.
12 Jul, 2013
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Having turned the laptop upside down I would suggest you let the onion bulbs grown until the foliage starts to die back then lift - in our case another month at least.
11 Jul, 2013