By Alanruth57
United Kingdom
What items can you put in a mulch bin.
4 Feb, 2010
I would not bother puting cooked veg in either,
4 Feb, 2010
Agree no cooked food in compost, likely to attract vermin. We also find that egg shells don't do very well.
4 Feb, 2010
I find the egg shells ok if you scrunch them up well.
4 Feb, 2010
if you have pet rabbits/guinea pigs then their hutch waste can go in providing their bedding is straw or hay.
4 Feb, 2010
One other thing I wouldn't put in is potato peelings! They tend to grow and can be a real nuisance!
5 Feb, 2010
i've not had this problem ian but my peelings are nearly transpent:o)
5 Feb, 2010
Don't you have square potatoes then SBG? Lol
5 Feb, 2010
ooh no, i have been made to peel peelings when i was a little girl and dad was out of work. Thrifty to a point of ridiculous but never mind we always had food on the table.
5 Feb, 2010
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« what is the best time to prune apple trees and gooseberry bushes.
I assume you mean a compost bin.?.....All veg peelings; grass clippings, egg shells, coffee grounds, shredded paper, newspaper, all vegetative matter from the garden, bush clippings must be shredded down; the only real no-no is raw and cooked meat, also animal waste; mix it all regularly to get an even distribution of all elements.....
4 Feb, 2010