By Allenshaw
United Kingdom
Hi, My daughter is getting married on the 1st August and had ordered from our local florist 4 Standard White Marguerite's. Unfortunately the florist has let us down and we have not been able to purchase these anywhere else. Can you help? is there anyway you can obtain 4 for us.
I note that your web site says that you are out of stock of this item but I would be so grateful if you are able to get 4 from a source/contact in the gardening world.
Allen Shaw (Father of the Bride to be)
12 Jul, 2013
You don't say where-abouts you are in the country, but there are nurseries which hire out plants for weddings such as the following in Norfolk.
I would suggest you type in 'garden plants for hire' or wedding plants hire or something similar, and the county, in the search bit and see what comes up.
Forgot to mention, don't just put 'plant hire' or you will end up with hundreds of pages of diggers!
13 Jul, 2013
Just to expand on what Pam said, Grows on You doesn't sell anything. The suppliers mentioned are just there for information. I hope you find what you're looking for.
14 Jul, 2013
We are a forum of folk interested in gardens etc.
I hope someone may be able to help you, garden centres and local nurseries may have some, private nurseries often don't have comprehensive websites, I,d ring a few and see
Could you use another standard plant instead?
Even box or bay decorated with white ribbons?
13 Jul, 2013