By Jennyh
United Kingdom
Hi All, hope you are enjoying the weather!! I have dug up some Allium bulbs today and one fell apart,in to little segments, they look like cloves of garlic, they have no roots at all. I was wondering if I can pot them up to see if they will turn in to other Allium bulbs. If this can be done how to I go about it.
13 Jul, 2013
they will probably flower in 2 years though I had some christophii that did flower the next year. Smaller than normal but still pretty.
13 Jul, 2013
Thanks guys, I will try and get them sorted in the week.
Do I need to keep them indoors or can I leave them out?
14 Jul, 2013
Better outside in a sheltered spot. Watch out for mice though.
14 Jul, 2013
Thanks Ob.
17 Jul, 2013
Previous question
« I've just moved to a new house and there is a cherry tree in the garden. How...
Yes, pot them up now, keep moist but not sodden and they ought to grow. Take a while to reach flowering size, but quicker than seed.
13 Jul, 2013