Problem with Hebes Green Globe dying
By Findlayi
United Kingdom
I have bought new hebes and planted them according to instructions in troughs. A week later some are very healthy looking and some have completely dried up and appear dead. The weather has been hot but they have been watered every day but not too much and they are said to be drought resistant. Not sure what to do and if all the others will die.

15 Jul, 2013
That's hebe 'Emerald Green', was 'Green Cushion'. Hates watering from overhead because the middle of the plant is very dense and rots, but although drought resistant, still needs plenty of water until established. Chuck out the bad ones and slot in something else to replace. Perhaps the little erigeron karvinskianus which is a slightly untidy sprawling daisy which flowers all summer. Or perhaps parahebe catarractae, or veronica peduncularis.
16 Jul, 2013