By Kate40club
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
I am a bit confused ..can I sow delphiniums now indoors for next year ...a well known seed website says you can and plant out in Autumn but on my packet it says plant out after frost ? thank you :)
17 Jul, 2013
Ok thank you Moom growe.
17 Jul, 2013
yes you can start them off and plant them out late september . the seed pack information is for plants raised in warmth indoors and planted out when the soil and air temp is cold. but youwill be planting them into warm soil and rel warm air and as the air temp cools the plants will adjust.
17 Jul, 2013
You can sow the seeds directly where you want the plants to grow at this time of year. They need a sunny site with a rich, well draining soil. Alternatively wait until February/March next year and start them off in pots - remember they only need a very thin covering of compost or grit on top of the seed.
17 Jul, 2013