By Laneyjoy
United Kingdom
hi I recently visited gardens in the Lake District, and was inspired by this beautiful plant called gypsophila, unfortunately the garden attendant couldnt tell me what variety it was, it had a bed of soft short grass out of which small pinkish white flowers were growing, it had been planted and cultivated in a raised stone trough, where can I find out what variety this particular gypsohpila is and where to buy, please anyone know? Elaine Williams. email
17 Jul, 2013
Gypsophila repens Dorothy Teacher is a low growing pale pink one, but there are other pink repens forms.
G. petraea has a very pale pink form,so I am told, but never seen it.
17 Jul, 2013
It used to be a stalwart of the rock garden and troughs where I grew up, gipsophila repens 'Rosea'. Not such a favourite now, so unfortunately not widely stocked, or its named forms. Ousted in favour of longer flowering, larger flowered more 'showy' plants. I'll have a hunt for it from my suppliers and see if mail order's a possibility
17 Jul, 2013
Wow, this is a fantastic site. I used to have an old uncle with an allotment. He grew a tall white one and he always called it Gipsy Filly. Bless 'im. He had a little privy in the allotment that was just a long drop into the river.
17 Jul, 2013
Just been splitting up a Gypsophila cerastioides, which is a lovely dwarf plant, but it really does not like my garden which is sad.
18 Jul, 2013
Elaine, you should remove your email address from your question as it is available to the general public. Your query will be answered here,as a comment to your question.
I've never seen a low growing pink gypsophila - pity you didn't take a photo. Google only shows white tall ones and I'm wondering if the attendant was right? Hope someone else will have a better answer.
17 Jul, 2013