By Nanjo
United Kingdom
My daughter has this corkscrew hazel which is about 5 1/2 ft tall and one or two of the main limbs seem to be dying from about the 4ft height and also some of the offshoots from the main limbs. It had new leaves in Dec which died off and then again in Spring which also died. It was fed every 3-4 wks and watered daily when the leaves appeared in Spring.There are some leaves appearing at the very top of some of the branches.It is in a pot. Any ideas as to the problem and should she remove the dead branches ? Sorry the pics aren't too clear :-(
I've added 2 more pics of the willow now that it is in the ground and as you can see it is doing really well. Thanks again for all the advice..

18 Jul, 2013
The container the contorted hazel is in is far to small and looks to be in a position where it receives very little natural water. Needs to be planted in the ground and well watered from now until late autumn. Though, to be honest, I think it is dead.
18 Jul, 2013
Hazels like to grow in damp ground and, as said above, this one is far too dry. We have a couple in the garden and they are very shruby in habit and solid with leaves. This one is very leggy.
18 Jul, 2013
That's not hazel, it's willow. That's why it's 'leggy'. Too etiolated, not contorted enough for hazel. And water is the only remedy, if it's not too late.
18 Jul, 2013
I did think it looked more like a willow than a hazel...
18 Jul, 2013
Perhaps a closeup of some leaves would sort that one out?
If it was bought as a hazel and it turns out to be willow there are good grounds for complaint!
18 Jul, 2013
I didn't think it had any leaves!
18 Jul, 2013
We have the willow, and when it is dry a lot of the leaves come off and then with rain a lot of new ones appear.
18 Jul, 2013
I think it has a few small leaves at the top Bulba
18 Jul, 2013
I thought those were the leaves from the tree behind... Still looks dead to me and whether willow or hazel this is down to small container and lack of water.
18 Jul, 2013
I've just tried enlarging it and am pretty sure there are a few leave remaining - try Ctrl+ a few times and see what you think
18 Jul, 2013
Thanks for your help everyone. There are a few leaves that she noticed while taking the pics ( I just change the zoom level to have a look ), it could be a willow ( a senior moment on my part ! ) . I will find out for sure tomorrow. :-)
18 Jul, 2013
It looks like a Corkscrew willow to me and I agree the pot is too small and it needs to go in the ground due to its high water requirement. You can remove the dead wood very easily from it by running your hands through it as the old wood is brittle and the live wood pliable.
I would not give up on it!
19 Jul, 2013
yeah....when you zoom in its clearly willow leaves. Good luck! Willows are extremely thirsty!
21 Jul, 2013
I have a little self sown willow that's waiting until I feel like digging it out and noticed today that there were very small black worms or mini caterpillars of some sort stripping the leaves - perhaps this has happened to this one?
21 Jul, 2013
I think it is just the fact that it is in a far to small container and under watered willows need to be grown in wet conditions.
21 Jul, 2013
Now, that brings me to another curious question! 'they' say that a plant under stress is more likely to fall prey to diseases and pests. I've often heard that...and read it too. But I've always do the aphids etc know that a plant is 'stressed' and choose to infest it? Sorry...tongue in cheek, but I really do wonder!
21 Jul, 2013
I don't think the aphids do know the plant is under stress. But if a plant that is already under stress from, for example, lack of water, is attacked by aphids it is more likely to suffer than a plant in good health.
22 Jul, 2013
Hi all.. it is a twisted willow, if I had a good memory I could be dangerous lol...She has taken it out of the pot and the roots had taken on the shape . It is now in the garden and has started to pick up already. Thanks to you all for the advice.
23 Jul, 2013
Regular watering for the rest of summer and autumn until the tree gets established, even if it rains.
24 Jul, 2013
yes she can remove the dead bits. I think it is being over fed and under watered. they need a lot of water and it would be better in the ground as the pot isnt very big for the size of shrub. loads of water is needed especially during these very hot spells.
18 Jul, 2013