Nanjo's Profile

About me
Hi, my name is Nancy and I have been looking on this website for quite a while now and the thing that made me join is the fact that my boyfriend of 3yrs has gone to Greece to live on his yacht. It was originally for 1yr but after only 2wks he has made the decision to stay out there for good ! Hence I need a distraction and as I love my garden and also looking at other peoples I decided to give it a go. I have been divorced for almost 39 yrs and have 2 daughters and 6 grandchildren. I live in a bungalow with what I think is a nice gdn that is not too big about 36ft x 42ft, I have been changing it over the last 3yrs with the help (donkey work) of Jim so he had his uses. lol. I have 2 Fife canaries, Marti( brother) and Mel (sister),who love to be in the garden in their cages in the Summer. I try to make use of anything I have lying around as I don't have too much money to spare so look for things in the 99p shop etc and bargain plants at gdn centres too. I also do Modern Jive which I love and I also like doing DiY and I knit and sew and can turn my hand to most things. I love the sense of achievement when I have finished something. Sadly on Easter Sunday 2014 I lost my male canary Marti who was approx 9yrs old and I buried him in the garden :-(
Well it's May 2017 now & sadly I lost Mel on March 11th at the age of 12.