By Bickford
East Sussex,
United Kingdom
I was out in the garden early this morning with the intention of ensuring my courgettes were pollenated(due scarcity of bees)alas all the open flowers were male!Do the female flowers open once the 'fruit' has started to develop or does the female flower need to be pollinated first for the 'fruit' to develop? Also what can Ido to stimulate the plant into producing female flowers?
22 Jul, 2013
I once tried growing melons in the greenhouse and couldn't get the flowers out together.....
22 Jul, 2013
Thanks Worthy1,They are certainly strutting!
22 Jul, 2013
The male flowers tend to come first and when they've strutted and performed for a bit, then the females follow on. Don't worry, they'll come. Once they start they don't stop
22 Jul, 2013