By Psychenurse
United Kingdom
My Peony finally flowered this year ,I planted it and then decided to move it .I didn't know then that Peonies are quite temperamental and don't like to be moved so it sulked for 3 years but this year had 15 beautiful flowers so well worth the wait .What do I do with it now it grew quite tall and leggy ,do I cut it back if so how far back .
22 Jul, 2013
They dislike being moved and planted to deep.
I do the same as Scottish, I dead head and then remove dead foliage in the early spring. I usually stake mine as they are floppy but this year I didnt and liked the results better.
23 Jul, 2013
Thank you for the help I'll put some support in next year before it grows hopefully will have as many flowers as this year ,really pretty .
24 Jul, 2013
Do not cut it right back. It will die down naturally in Autumn. You can cut off dead flowers (unless you want to collect seed) and give it a wee tidy up.
Best to provide support early spring next year. It saves a lit of hassle in the long run. Some peony are quite tall and their massive flower head quite heavy.
22 Jul, 2013