By Sheilabub
United Kingdom
Aquilegia seeds: just collected some, and not sure when to sow them. Maybe half in a seed tray now, and half saved for Spring?! Thanks . . .
25 Jul, 2013
I collected seeds from my Aquilegia plants, few weeks back and sowed them, have some coming up in trays.
25 Jul, 2013
Agreed, the seeds germinate far better fresh. If you do save some, then when dry, store in the Salad compartment of the fridge.
25 Jul, 2013
Thank you Moon grower, Dian and Owdboggy . . . the garden soil is currently dry and hard, so I'll sow them in trays. Would the cool of the cold frame be the best place for them . . . or the very warm greenhouse?!
Many thanks for your advice :)
25 Jul, 2013
Cold frame Sheila
25 Jul, 2013
Thanks Moon grower . . . they'll be fine until they germinate. (Had to move other seedlings as we seem to have a peckish (pesky?) mouse, but I don't want him killed.)
25 Jul, 2013
25 Jul, 2013
I'd sow them now follow natures pattern.
25 Jul, 2013