By Reem777
United Kingdom
Can someone tell me the best time to sow poppy seeds and the best way to do this? I've just collected some seed.
Thank :)
26 Jul, 2013
I agree. it will also depend on which variety/species you are sowing.
26 Jul, 2013
Thanks for the replies :)
Not sure on the variety but they come back every year.
Should I just scatter the seeds?
26 Jul, 2013
if they are papaver like mine they will self seed easily and everywhere. ;)
26 Jul, 2013
Am I right in thinking that some annual seeds, poppies among them, will not germinate if the temperatures are too high? I've just come across a packet of shirley poppies which I forgot to sow in spring. Sorry to tag onto your question, Reem, but mine seems so similar I hoped you wouldn't mind.
27 Jul, 2013
I would hold on until spring (unless you're feeling lucky, punk, haha)
27 Jul, 2013
Don't mind at all Gattina, a useful question :)
I will store the seed till the spring then.
27 Jul, 2013
No, Vincent - don't feel at all lucky! :o) Thanks Reem.
27 Jul, 2013
Previous question
Sow them now if they are perennial or biennial one. If they are annuals, store them dry until next Spring. Even annuals, I would sow a few and see if they flower before Winter. Some will.
26 Jul, 2013