By Moatrat
Tyne And Wear,
United Kingdom
60 to 70 years back on the allotments the gardeners could germinate the seeds on the seed heads of a leek inyo miniature leeks which could be removed singly and potted on around about xmas time. How did they do it ??Thank you very much - memory banks are starting to twitch of winter in steam heated greenhouses sitting quietly listening to the men of our street talking of things I could not understand.Could be seen but not heard. Due to wartime rations making fried pigeon egg sarnies on the greenhouse stove
28 Jul, 2013
Why are you upset Snoop - Scrmpyg. is correct.
28 Jul, 2013
That's fascinating - almost worth letting a leek go to seed just to have a go!
28 Jul, 2013
Isn't it just Stera...
28 Jul, 2013
And never mind the 60 to 70 years ago either, I did this less than 20 years ago. Neighbour at the time was into exhibition Leek growing and to keep his strain going he always grew from pips. Don't ask me how I did it, cannot remember that far back now.
29 Jul, 2013
I wonder if he ever managed to get them to squeak?
29 Jul, 2013
I think snoopy wanted first go at answering. Tough :)
You can also do it with onions, but top growers use seed for them.
29 Jul, 2013
You may be getting confused with seed and seed pods.
When leeks go to flower, the seed head produces seeds in pea like like structures, and a little later they produce "pods" or "bulbils" or "pips"
You can easily spot them as they have a little what's called "grass" growing from them, and if you remove this carefully you then plant it in compost and that is your new leek, which will be indentical to the original.
That's a very simple explanation and it occurs naturally.
There is a way of getting more of these pods or bulbils.
Type leek grass or leek bulbils or leek pips into google for a more detailed explanation.
28 Jul, 2013