By Gsykes1958
Selby North Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
What is the best way to store swede.. they look a decent size now but won't want to use them till the autumn... but could do with using the land they are growing in for something else. If I did leave them in the ground would they get bigger and get woody and loose there flavour.
29 Jul, 2013
It is usual to leave swedes in the ground until they are needed. If they are swedes, not turnips, then they won't go woody.
29 Jul, 2013
Thanks for your replies.. they are swede and not turnip. I am going to take your advice and leave them in the ground. looking forward to these tasty veg in the colder days.
29 Jul, 2013
I put some Turnips into a clamp years ago. When I went to get them out there was nothing there ! Vamoosed.
Vanished !
30 Jul, 2013
Thanks to Dianebulley.. wont be doing that then.. will leave them where they are.
30 Jul, 2013
I would recommend you leave them in the ground if at all possible, they will taste a lot sweeter after a good frost has got into them, they will not go woody ,well that is my experience as this is what I do every year as to loosing there flavour you will find that they taste a lot better than eating them now, I think if you lift them now and try to store them they will just dry up and go rubbery.
29 Jul, 2013