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Essex, United Kingdom Gb

Tree suggestions please!
I'm thinking about putting a tree in my garden next to the fence between the lawn and the 6ft fence. I ideally want something that grows above the fence to break up the fence line, rather than trailing a tree against the fence, so I suppose I need something which has a long trunk and branches above the fence. My garden isn't particularly big so I don't want something too big. The place I have in mind is very sunny and south facing. Something that flowers or has interesting leaves would be nice.

Can anyong suggest something suitable please?



The rowans (sorbus), exochorda serratifolia 'Snow White', cercis canadensis 'Forest Pansy' or 'Hearts of Gold', amelanchier lamarckii or a. laevis, some of the flowering cherries (prunus 'Shogetsu' or p. 'Shirotae'). There are a few.

3 Aug, 2013


Great, thanks

3 Aug, 2013


I agree as I was going to suggest a Rowan or a Prunus Cerasifera Nigra Tree.

3 Aug, 2013


My suggestion is Crataegus (hawthorn). Pauls Scarlet being a fine example.

4 Aug, 2013

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