We have a white cluster rose we commissioned in rememberance of our son Michael - last year weplanted in a barrel with the compost recommended by therose grower him-self - it was in a shady part of the garden and appeared to have got water logged
By Aneliese65
United Kingdom
We have a white cluster rose we commissioned in rememberance of our son Michael - last year we
planted in a barrel with the compost recommended by the
rose grower him-self - it was in a shady part of the garden and appeared to have got water logged.
We moved it to a sunnier position and it flowered
but the rose buds turned brown and did not open
and it did not produce many buds - we did not cut
it down last year - advice please as this is very precious to us.
On plant
Mike Nesbitt Rose by Len Scrivens
13 Aug, 2013
hi when you say it was waterlogged did you put enough drainage holes in the bottom of the barrel that might be the problem also roses like being in the sun hope that helps owen
13 Aug, 2013
A sunny spot, plenty of holes in the bottom - perhaps with some cut up polystyrene or smashed up old pots, to keep the compost from blocking the holes. A 50:50 mix of loam (John Innes No 3) and potting compost would work fine. It will need to be pruned each winter/spring. I suggest you find the name/type of rose - as a tea rose gets pruned hard, down to a small network of stems, whereas a shrub rose might only be pruned to tidy it up and get rid of dead bits. If you want it to be really healthy I would buy and use a 'roseclear' type product that is sprayed on regularly. Unless you are good at identifying bugs/diseases, in which case you can deal with what arrives promptly. It is a lovely idea to have a commemorative rose - but it will take a bit of TLC, Good luck.
13 Aug, 2013
OOps, forgot to say, feed it too. A thick mulch of manure (well-rotted) or compost each spring and a liquid feed for flowering. A tomato feed will do - although you can get special ones for roses. They only do well in containers if well fed, so do persevere!
13 Aug, 2013
Thank-you to every-one for their advice on our Son's Rose - they were very much appreciated - and we will take on board every one's comments..
17 Aug, 2013
Just to make sure - what drainage was allowed in the barrel. Should be at least 6 x 1" holes.
13 Aug, 2013