By Panda13
United Kingdom
I have a possible massive problem in a small woodland I planted years ago. Stupidly among the good trees to plant, I planted a couple of poplars! At first I was delighted as there was almost instant 'proper' trees in what was a bare bit of field. But they kept on growing. In the winter I got one felled and now I'm faced with tons of suckered saplings. I've annointed as many as I can find with Roundup but not sure if there is anything else I can do. When I get round to felling a second poplar - any advice. I had thought poplars would respond to coppicing the way willows etc do and therefore would be easy to look after but - no.
19 Aug, 2013
I would be vigilant every time you see a shoot remove/treat it.
8-10 years ago I had over 30 poplar/willow monsters across the bottom of my garden with visible roots like tree trunks crossing the lawn. It was not till the roots appeared in the lawn that I found out what they were and the problems they can cause, up until this point I liked them as a wooded area.
We had to take up the lawn and get a digger to remove the roots in the lawn areas and had to have the trees all cut down and treated with stump killer which did stop them reshooting in the immediate area, but they spread very wide and go under fences and patios quite quickly and every couple of years I would suddenly spot a new one so out came the saw and stump killer and this battle was won eventually.
Except one escaped in to the land behind my garden!!!
19 Aug, 2013
Previous question
« I need to move two clumps of Miscanthus " Silberfeder." Can i do it...
They respond wonderfully well, in their own way! Sometimes they'll shoot from the stool, but usually only if there's a foot or so of it left from which to sprout. Cut to the ground, they think they're really under threat and will resort to underhand/underground methods. Try the next one leaving a short stump.
19 Aug, 2013