By Olly53
West Sussex,
United Kingdom
HI all we have a shady area at the bottom of our garden where we want to create a woodland /wildflower garden but we would also like a flowering climber ,just wondered if you could suggest anything suitable please . Thanks Olly
20 Aug, 2013
Hydrangea petiolaris? Very pretty, and self-clinging.
20 Aug, 2013
Hello and thanks for your reply, we did wonder about Hydrangea,but not sure as our fence is wooden and not too young !!
20 Aug, 2013
Hoya 25,THanks for your suggestions we are considering a climbing or rambling Roses as our garden is only small ,so we want to make the most of the space ,will keep you posted ,olly
20 Aug, 2013
Although not a climbing rose, 'Souvenir du Docteur Jamain' can be trained against a fence. He is a deep red colour, and appreciates being out of the sun
20 Aug, 2013
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Akebia quinata is a good clamberer thru trees and shrubs. Sweet flowers in spring. But it will get really big - so only plant it if you have the space. Otherwise how about a rambling rose - many do ok in shadier areas and climb thru trees well. If its very shady - and you want to support insect life - Ivy comes in many different types and will grow in most places, good late nectar for butterflies etc.
20 Aug, 2013