United Kingdom
fast growing shrub to cover a trellis
10 Feb, 2010
Russian vine...:o)
10 Feb, 2010
russian vine bluespruce? Crikey, htat will cover the town htey live in :)
10 Feb, 2010
ah but they did say to cover it fast. Thats the 'mile a minute' plant isnt it.
10 Feb, 2010
and a lovely plant to even though it takes over,
10 Feb, 2010
yes sbg, wiht htat totaly unpronuncabal name- polygonum bauldschianicum or sumthin like that (my freend writ b word cos my fingers no cope-hehe) it belong in my garden dictonry un der hte hedin DISASTER PLANTS -ACTALY, I JUST THIN OF NEW BLOG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
10 Feb, 2010
Depends what you want? As lots to choose from - Honeysuckle early dutch (Lonicera periclymenum Belgica) or Gold flame, Roses, Clematis (Montana's), Passion flower, Ever lasting sweet peas, Hydranga, Ivy, Pyracantha, Jasmine, Wisteria (sinensis Prolific) and Virginia creeper. you need to decide which type you prefer then we can offer help on a variety?
10 Feb, 2010