By Sanbaz
staining blackpool,
United Kingdom
just potted some hollyhocks which i think are bareroot but started shooting, also some ismene festalis bulbs for summer, the question is where is best place to keep them, not sure is they need warmth or if ok outside,
thanx guys

10 Feb, 2010
dont have a greenhouse mr, MB only the shed or garage, oh and the plastic growhouse, but thats wrapped up with fuschia`s in, maybe the garage would be best a warmer than shed.
10 Feb, 2010
my hollyhocks are in the ground and seem to be ok despite the frost and snow. how about a sheltered spot in the shelter of the house walls. dont forget to make sure they dont dry out though.
10 Feb, 2010
hi sea.. ive put them in the garage for now till they get going and will check they dont dry out each day, are yours established sea.. or just the bare root? also should i keep watering the ismene bulbs or wait for them to sprout now ive given them a watering when i planted them,
10 Feb, 2010
i grew them from seed last year so they should flower for me this summer. I hadnt realised how young they are so better protection needed. garage sounds good.
10 Feb, 2010
thanx sea... ;o))
10 Feb, 2010
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They don't particulary need warmth, as such, San, but protection from cold, wet weather and heavy frost. I would keep them in the cold greenhouse for now and cover them when the weather goes freezy again.
10 Feb, 2010