By Dianne53
United Kingdom
My husband was given a Victoria Plum tree for his 50th birthday for the first 7 years it has produced the most fantastic tasting plums but for the last 3 years we have had very few edible plums. The tree has plenty of blossom in the spring and the plums stsrt to appear and this year we have loads but they are nearly all rotten. what can we do chop it down?
24 Aug, 2013
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Plums tend to fruit heavily on a cycle of three to four years and are best when growing vigorously and healthily. Might I suggest you feed yours - a spring mulch with something quite rich (well composted horse manure), which will also help to conserve moisture from winter rains. We've had a few dry springs recently and the stresses on a tree are significant just when it's trying to grow, flower, and set fruit. I wouldn't chop it down yet. Give it a chance.
31 Aug, 2013