United Kingdom
My twisted willow is getting huge - are the roots as damaging to foundations as weeping willows? If I take the top off will that control it or just make it grow even more?
24 Aug, 2013
I would say about 5 metres, most of it grown in the last year due to wet conditions. Looks lovely, makes a great winter silhouette and am reluctant to get rid of it but didn't think it would get this big and if it carries on this way will take over this little garden. I don't want to get the tree surgeons in, have already done some long-handled lopper tidying - I just want to take the top and sides (over neighbours' fences) off and hope that will tame it.
24 Aug, 2013
There must be twisted willopws and twisted willows; ours do not get to nearly that size! If it is growing close to the house then the rootsof any large tree are liable to cause damage so it should be be brought under some sort of control.
25 Aug, 2013
thanks, but can you tell me if savage pruning/lopping is enough control for the roots to stop growing too or would it need to come out?
25 Aug, 2013
Personally I'd be removing it... Bulba we have a twisted hazel - not a twisted willow!
25 Aug, 2013
If it is within 5m of the house I would remove it.
25 Aug, 2013
thanks, my calculation shows it is about 12m from house- really appreciate your advice
25 Aug, 2013
Hi Greenpleasant and welcome to GoY. Define 'huge' please... I metre, 2 metres, 10 metres???
24 Aug, 2013