By Hank
United Kingdom
TWINS ? Is this normal ?
These 2 Gardener's Delight toms grew together on one stalk. This is probably a regular occurence to you guys but it's the first time I've ever seen it.
I hope I've snet the right photo !

27 Aug, 2013
I've seen some odd shaped tomatoes, but never seen twins like that, as Pam says, you get some odd things in nature, Derek.
27 Aug, 2013
gemina lycopersicis?
27 Aug, 2013
Lol Myron, how erudite!
27 Aug, 2013
Gratias tibi Steragram ;0)
27 Aug, 2013
Lyco what ? Had to look it up but even Google struggles with that one. Just going to check it in the dictionary if I've the strength to blow the dust off.
27 Aug, 2013
I meant to type Lycopersicus Hank, what I assume (but probably wrongly), is the plural of Lycopersicum as in Solanum lycopersicum. So I suppose the correct way of describing it would probably be Lycopersicum gemini (Tomato twins) or geminus lycopersicum (double tomatos).
28 Aug, 2013
Aah, that explains it Myron, and the "gemini" bit helps, but regrettably lycopersicus will soon be forgotten. Thanks anyway.
29 Aug, 2013
Twins how nice.
Twice the pleasure eating them.....if you can bear to. :0)
You do get odd things in nature
27 Aug, 2013