By Nanjo
United Kingdom
Can anyone tell me what kind of lily this is ? I've had it for a few years along with Canas that my daughter gave me . I am now down to 2 Canas and this one and none of them has ever flowered .I'm curious ...

29 Aug, 2013
Looks like a bamboo to me..but then don't take my words for it :)
29 Aug, 2013
Could it be a ginger lily (Hedychium)? The stem looks very similar to my Hedychium gardnerianum with those reddish marks on it.
29 Aug, 2013
It's definitely a lily and I think you are right Jaykaty I remember her saying Ginger Lily.... must find a pic. Thanks all...
29 Aug, 2013
Just to support Moon Grower, Hedychiums are not Lilies. It may be called a Ginger Lily, but they are not even in the same genus. Another one of those misuse of a name things, as in Day Lily or African Lily.
30 Aug, 2013
That is where using 'common names' causes problems Owdboggy...
30 Aug, 2013
Omg..too complicated for me ! I have been looking at pics of Ginger Lilies and the leaves look a lot broader than mine. There are 3 more appearing now, I will just have to hope they flower to find out. Thanks again.
30 Aug, 2013
Previous question
« Any idea what this fern is as I've had it for about 5 yrs or so?
That doesn't look like a lily to me Nanjo.
29 Aug, 2013