By Susieoli
West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
I have a ten year old mock orange that went wild last year so pruned I it right back. This is the result! Giant five foot stems, obviously no flowers. What should I do now? Do I need to have it removed?

29 Aug, 2013
Thank you so much for your advice.
29 Aug, 2013
Two Years ago I chopped my mock orange down and then had no flowers last year.However this Year it was covered in beautiful blooms.
Follow the advice given by Bamboo and you should have a wonderful display next year.They really are beautiful shrubs and have a nice perfume.
30 Aug, 2013
Whether you remove it or not is down to personal choice, really. These are large shrubs, but usually are kept within bounds by pruning at the right time, which is immediately after flowering, or after when it should have flowered. Cutting it all down encourages a robust response, as you've discovered... If you prune it hard now, you will lose any flowering growths and have no flowers again next year, but you could remove, say, a third of the stems at the base when the plant is dormant in winter, then prune the remainder at the right time.
29 Aug, 2013