By Thatcher
United Kingdom
I live next to a school playground and there is a fencing dividing a 3ft walled bank between us. I need ideas for trying to cover say up to 6' of this tennis type fencing.
Any suggestions - wooden fencing would be a last resort
30 Aug, 2013
The school owns the fence
30 Aug, 2013
The school owns the fence - I hope my messages are going through - I'm new to this!
30 Aug, 2013
Hi Thatcher, welcome to GoY
Presumably by 'tennis type' you mean chainlink fence. How about some climbers such as honeysuckle, roses, virginia creeper, ivy. In this instance I'd steer clear of Russian Vine - it's an absolutel pig of a job disentangling it from chainlink.
Bear in mind that you shouldn't grow anything that will be too heavy for the fence and, if it is a primary school, I'd avoid the thornier roses.
In my current house I'm next door to school playing fields and my (timber) fence is covered with Dr Van Fleet roses as a deterrent to anyone thinking of climbing over.
30 Aug, 2013
If the school owns the fence then, legally, you may not grow anything on it. What you can do is erect a trellis a foot away from the fence and grow your plants on that.
30 Aug, 2013
If you have room you could plant a tallish hedge in front of it? Trouble would be many fast growers keep on growing and need lots of trimming.
31 Aug, 2013
Thank you for your very helpful comments - thatcher
1 Sep, 2013
Just a quick question - who actually owns the fence?
30 Aug, 2013