United Kingdom
Vinca Major: Will trimming it down hard help it to rejuvenate? It is many years old and in full shade. It has never flowered but I use it for cover. I'd really like it to grow a bit more densely. Will cutting it down cause more shoots to come from the base, thus enabling a denser growth?

11 Feb, 2010
I'd do it in March - ours is flowering now here in London and I always hack it right back when it's more or less finished flowering (usually late March). I don't think it makes great groundcover - it tends to do what your one has, which is get spindly and root at the tips a fair distance away, leaving bare soil and bare branches near its centre. If its not too dry there, I'd be inclined to use Ajuga reptans instead - much more efficient at covering the soil!
11 Feb, 2010
Yes, I agree. I use Lamium and Ajuga for ground cover and they do the job beautifully. I planted a Vinca Maj in a gloomy corner and it has done exactly the same - great long shoots sprawling but not covering anything much! I might try cutting it back before I take it out and plant more Ajuga! The flowers are so pretty! If it's not flowering at all I think I would haul it out and try something better!
11 Feb, 2010
OK, I will give it a cut back, when growth is about to start. Am surprised yours finishes flowering so soon. I grow it where workman's feet tend to tred when erecting ladders, so is a good tough resilient choice. I have some ajuga too.
11 Feb, 2010
I saw this growing at Chartwell and flowering beautifully. They had trimmed all the long growths off during autumn/winter. The flowers came from the 'crown'.
11 Feb, 2010
Swap it for Vinca minor Le Grave or Vinca minor variegata, with silver leaves. .
11 Feb, 2010
i chop mine back hard and it comes up well every year.
11 Feb, 2010
I'm not expecting flowers as it is in full shade.
11 Feb, 2010
Should still get flowers even in shade, Jonathan - the one we have in flower is in complete shade most of the year.
13 Feb, 2010
You are very lucky. Mine has always so far refused to. Perhaps it will this year though. Maybe the trim down will aid that.
13 Feb, 2010
Previous question
Hi Jonathan, thats what I do to mine it spreads itself all over the place and setting new runners if i'm not careful but i'd wait just a little while -until its just a wee bit warmer-- I do hope that it is soon...
11 Feb, 2010