By Speig
East Sussex,
United Kingdom
I had a plant I grew indoors in a pot. It had large green leaves, varigated I think they call it. The flowers, when they came, were like little pink purse on a branch rather like a grape branch. Someone said it is a Begonia but I have looked on web but cannot find it. My last one died so no 'photo
11 Feb, 2010
Begonia is a very large genus or group of plants of various sizes - without knowing which one you're looking for, it could be very difficult to locate it (without the full Latin name, I mean) and see a picture. "Variegated" means the leaves aren't plain green - they might have yellow or white streaks, patches, edges or stripes in them. Did your plant have green leaves with silvery spots on them (lots of houseplant begonias do)?How big was it and how long did you have it? Also, what size were the flowers?
There is another plant with purse like flowers - Calceolaria, but this is usually shortlived, the flowers aren't small and they're usually brightly coloured with spots.
11 Feb, 2010