By Poppie
United Kingdom
has anyone grown bilberry plants from root cuttings. If so, how? Thanks for the replies to my twin tomatoe question.
11 Feb, 2010
Thanks bulbaholic What are Irishmans cuttings ?.
17 Feb, 2010
Poppie, 'Irishmans Cuttings' are obtained when you lift up/pull up a bit if the stem and there are infant roots at the bottom of it. The stem can be trimmed and potted up and will usually grow quite easily. You can think of it as the plant having layered itself.
A lot of the woody ground cover p[lants can be easily propogated this way and I would think it would work for bilberries.
17 Feb, 2010
Hi, I have been growing bilberries from seeds and after a 4-5 months when the stems were about 7-8cm I took a approx. 4cm cutting from the first stem (which in future would be of no use as most first stems) and put 3/4 in a moist peat moss (in nz you can buy in 50L bags as dry). After a month I have noticed roots in 3 out of 3 soft cuttings. Btw, peat moss is my medium for germination. hope that helps. Paul
6 Nov, 2017
I would have thought that bilbery roots were too woody for root cuttings to take easily. I would think that either layering or taking 'Irishmans' cuttings would give good results, though.
11 Feb, 2010