By Steveg1966
West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Gladiolus cardinalis I am on the verge of buying this wonderful plant from San Francisco the problem I may have is it a southern hemisphere growing tuber so would it be possible to reverse its growing season to our northern hemisphere growing season if so how. I thought maybe store the corms until maybe March/April then maybe it would delay any new growth
5 Sep, 2013
Actually, if your gladioli have been raised in California they were grown in the northern hemisphere and so will flower at the right time anyway.
5 Sep, 2013
Hi, just remember that they are frost tender, Derek.
5 Sep, 2013
I have a couple of the South African glads I have grown from seed, and they are winter-flowering types like the one you want. They flower in the winter and die back during the summer, and will start growing again next month.
6 Sep, 2013
It is temperature and light that triggers the state of bulb growth, Steve, rather than the calendar. We grow a few South Africans which flowqer in our summer (their winter). It may have a slight hiccup the first year but should then settle down. Plant as normal.
5 Sep, 2013