West Sussex,
United Kingdom
Tree paeony. Has anyone got one of these? I have just taken delivery of 2 bare roots about 18ins tall and budding well. the blurb with them says they will need stems and blooms supported, a sheltered spot away from drying winds and might take several years to flower. Do they really need this much care? I'm beginning to think I shouldn't have ordered them! Any advice will be very welcome.. Thanks.
12 Feb, 2010
certainly stake them until they become established. I had one for about 10 yrs and it had been in the garden for 15 prior to that. Chose the least windy spot in your garden as the large leaf surface will lose lots of water. I found the one here trouble free and fully hardy.
12 Feb, 2010
I have one which was in a pot on the patio. Then I saw how large they can grow. Last summer we moved it out of the pot and into the garden. It was about 2 and half feet tall. As it had been under a canopy, I fleeced it up. Had a peep the other day and it has some buds visible. So fingers crossed. It is quite old and bloomed well in its pot until about the last 2 years. Yellow flowers like tissue paper. I had heard they didn't like being moved so we wait and see. Anything is better than just one flower!
12 Feb, 2010
Tree paeonies are as tough as old boots. If they grow here in this frost pocket with no staking or wind protection, then they will grow almost any where.
13 Feb, 2010
I agree with OB tough as old boots do not need much care and attention at all. Ours have buds on them and have never been staked as Mr MB stated, fleeced, fussed or fretted over. The oldest were in the garden when we moved in 20 years ago. The only real attention they get is when we prune off the odd branch that is in the way.
13 Feb, 2010
Thanks Owdboggy and Moon grower..... For the info about tree peonies being so hardy. I had a spare piece of well used fleece, as the peony had a sheltered life up till now, I anticipated this wickedly cold winter by several weeks and gave it an overcoat. Next winter it shall go unclad.
13 Feb, 2010
I hope you have now removed the fleece as otherwise the shrub will go 'soft'
13 Feb, 2010
Thank you all very much. As a result of your comments I'm going to plant them and let them get on with it! I'll stake them if they look floppy.They are completely new to me and I await the flowers (maybe several years) with great interest.
14 Feb, 2010
I have several tree paeonies, some are in a sheltered position, one is quite exposed. None of them are supported ( I didn't read that book) and all grow well. They will be several years old before they flower but it is well worth the wait.
Make sure that you plant them in the right place first time as they won't like being moved.
12 Feb, 2010