United Kingdom
I wish to plant allium purple sensation with early flowering anenomes. They finish in April and I think the alliums flower in June. Not sure if it is a good mix but love them both. I wonder what to mix the allium with or have just them. It
Is four small beds round the posts of the arbour. Any ideas or thoughts?
6 Sep, 2013
The unfortunate thing about alliums is that once the lovely flower heads bloom, the leaves are looking decidedly scabby. It might be an idea to have them growing up through some ground cover. this will disguise the base a bit, but still show the blooms at their best.
6 Sep, 2013
Thank you
8 Sep, 2013
Allium christophii are worth considering - they flower a bit later than Purple Sensation, which I find usually flower in April rather than June, occasionally early May. Christophii are mid to late May usually. And maybe add some miniature daffodils (Tete a Tete for instance) to the mix.
6 Sep, 2013