By Eileendiver
South Glamorgan,
United Kingdom
When is the best time to plant lavender.
Thank you
7 Sep, 2013
That's lucky - I planted mine last week. Will they be OK without much water?
8 Sep, 2013
No, Sheilabub, if you've only just planted them. Like any other plant, when they first go in, they need to be kept watered during dry spells till we get through to winter, then after that, you shouldn't have to worry.
8 Sep, 2013
I suspected as much, Bamboo! Was just a bit worried as I'll soon be away for a few days, but there will probably be a bit of rain. Many thanks for putting me right.
8 Sep, 2013
Pot grown plants can be planted any time when there's no frost in the ground but the ideal time will be the next 6 weeks or so or mid spring
7 Sep, 2013