By Swaythling5
United Kingdom
I have had mushroom type fungus in my greenhouse soil, - I grew crops straight into the ground, it did not seem to affect any plants that I grew last year, but should I try and use some sort of soil steriliser to ensure this does not happen again.?
- 13 Feb, 2010
Sterilising your soil will kill off the "good" bacteria as well as any "bad". At the very worst you could grow your crops in growbags for a couple of years!
13 Feb, 2010
It's unlikely the fungus will effect your vegetable crops. It's probably living on some organic matter that is decomposing under the soil - could even be compost you've dug in. Don't worry - it's how nature breaks nutrients down and makes it available for your plants to take up. Love thy Fungus ;-)
13 Feb, 2010
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Any chance of a picture?
13 Feb, 2010