By Swaythling5
United Kingdom
I need to find some quick growing but easily cut back climbing plants to cover the fence of the house my son has just purchased, the fence runs alongside the pavement so the plants need to good for screening upto about 7ft, suggestions please
13 Feb, 2010
Fallopia baldschuiana I think?
Any way...
Clematis montana will grw really tall and quickly and cut be cut hback hard after flowering once estallbished.
13 Feb, 2010
one of the quickest is the russian vine or mile a minute. cant remember its latin name . but it can be rampant and certainly needs cutting back regularly.
Then there are honeysuckles and a range of clematis that flower or a range of months.
thats for starters I am sure that others will offer other suggetions :o)
13 Feb, 2010