By Brian_hawley
United Kingdom
How do you germinate a Acer Grisium seed pod
13 Feb, 2010
I agree with Poannua, but acer seeds are not in pods. What you see is the seed so do not open it up unless you have seed to spare. A quick tesr as to viability would be to feel the seed. If it is rounded and plump then it should be OK. If it is just flat then there is no viability in the seed.
13 Feb, 2010
Agreed, got a few in the garden grown from seed. Not easy to keep the mice away from them though and hard to get through the first winter.
13 Feb, 2010
I had it in the back of my mind that A griseum was sterile, so I looked it up and Wiki says, "Propagation of Acer griseum is somewhat difficult as seeds have the same parthenocarpic tendencies as those of Acer maximowiczianum". Didn't know what parthenocarpic meant, but looked that up and it seems to mean that some of the seed on the tree IS sterile, but some is not. It didn't give percentages tho, but it might be worth researching some more.
13 Feb, 2010
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If you have several pods check to see if there is a viable seed in the pod . I have an Acer griseum that is loaded with winged seeds but none of them have anything inside them. If you are lucky and have viable seeds. Soak them for 24 hours then sow them in peaty soil and make sure they get frosted, With lu\ck they will germinate at the same time that the mother tree puts forth leaves, or a little later.. Do keep them outside in shade but subject to frost. If they dont germinate, then you may have to wait for another year, keep them protected from Birds and Mice.
13 Feb, 2010