By Hank
United Kingdom
Panic stations - green peppers.
I have 4 green pepper plants doing very well, but while 2 of them have peppers going red as usual, the other 2 have peppers going a shiny black.
I've not seen this before, is it normal ?
16 Sep, 2013
Thanks B, you've made my day, but it was a nasty moment. I've been growing these for years but never seen a black one before.
16 Sep, 2013
I've seen 'em, but not tasted them. I'd be interested to know what they're like - probably not much different from, say, a red one, I'm guessing. There's also a brown one... and, if memory serves, purple.
16 Sep, 2013
My different coloured ones don't taste different but the yellow ones all fruited first for some reason......the mixed ones are lovely in a salad or roasted with olive oil & garlic served on nice toast
16 Sep, 2013
The different coloured peppers that you see in the supermarket are usually the same species of pepper picked at different times. For example, Bell peppers when fully mature are red. They start off as green, then turn to yellow, orange then red. The pepper that you have could be a dark purple variety that looks black and it's got to its final stage of ripeness.
16 Sep, 2013
I have grown mixed colours and when unripe they are green. the green into red often has a browny tinge before becoming red. sorry to disagree Myron but they don't go through green to yellow then orange they are different varieties.
the flavours are pretty much the same. less indigestible when fully ripe compared to the green. [I find I get indigestion with the green ones.
16 Sep, 2013
Most peppers, and the large Bell peppers sold in the shops that are known as "traffic light peppers" are just the same old pepper in different stages of ripeness. Maybe the ones you have grown are a different variety or cultivar? I grew some peppers once waiting for them to get red which didn't happen. My friend told me later that they were a green pepper that doesn't go to red... I felt a right fool.
16 Sep, 2013
I haven't tasted the black ones yet but am convinced they'll all taste the same to me - I think my taste buds are a bit knackered.( am I allowed to say that ? - apologies if not.)
17 Sep, 2013
They're not, Myron, necessarily. There is a capsicum called California Wonder which produces either green or red fruits, for instance. Anyway, haven't you already disproved your own theory by waiting for a green pepper to go red, then finding out it wasn't the right variety if you wanted red, lol;-)
And Hank, I don't think most people will have a problem with that word, but I have to pass on the rather depressing news that they're not knackered, lots of them have died. We lose taste buds as we age - average number for someone in their eighties is about 80, when we started out with thousands.
17 Sep, 2013
Thanks once again B, so I'm down to about 80 then - just ! Cheers.
No wonder my son now puts about 3 times the amount of garlic,chilli,onions, parmesan etc in my meals as he used to he stands as far away from the cooker whilst he's preparing stuff and describes my meals as dreadful.
17 Sep, 2013
Oh dear, Hank, sorry! Some of us were 'super tasters' when we were born, meaning we had over twice as many to start with, so therefore don't lose taste quite so much. Gives the lie to all that twaddle about certain foods being 'an acquired' taste though - you only acquire it when a certain number of taste buds have disappeared. I still can't stand broad beans...
17 Sep, 2013
I think you're misunderstanding me Bamboo and I am in agreement with what you said. I never said ALL peppers were harvested at different times for the different colours, but a lot are and the sweet Bell Pepper is an example.
As you said, a lot of peppers are green at full ripeness so never turn to red, similar to a red grape goes from white to red, but a white grape can never turn to red.
17 Sep, 2013
Broad beans are awful things - or they were - I haven't eaten them for the last 55years. But my wife loved them and was always sliding a couple on my plate hidden below something else.
I always had to keep a look out for these. Maybe they've improved by now but I still shan't be trying them.
18 Sep, 2013
Peppers come in a range of colours; green, red, orange, yellow, black. So as long as yours look healthy, and aren't black because they're covered in sooty mould or something, then they're just black ones.
16 Sep, 2013