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West Midlands, United Kingdom

Hi, i just tested out my greenhouse heater ready for seed sowing at the end of the month. I have never used one before, an elderly lady gave it to me. It is a Parasene coldframe paraffin heater, the sort of flat type with a black grid over it, apparently it has never been used. when i lit the wick a lot of black smoke was coming from it so i took off the protective grid and it stopped smoking.and a patch of black dust was left on the grid.where it had burnt. What would you advise me to do? Also, how do i put out the flame? Thanks



we bought one of these last year and i could never get it to stop smoking so i gave up and fetched all my seeds into the house to germinate.

Was thinking of getting ours out and trying again this year.

Wish you the best of luck.

15 Feb, 2010


To turn them out you wind the wick all the way in but slowly so you don't go to far!
The general opinion here is that paraffin heaters are more trouble than they are worth as they produce large amounts of condensation which can lead to all types of fungal infections and disease!

15 Feb, 2010


Get rid of and if you need a heater buy an electric one designed for a greenhouse.

15 Feb, 2010

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