By Chino
United Kingdom
Ground Cover Roses.
I have just ordered a bright Red Ground cover rose, I saw some planted outside a supermarket and thought what a great idea for a bare patch in my garden. But I am not sure how I should prune this type of rose or in fact should it be pruned at all. Can anyone advise please.
23 Sep, 2013
I just leave mine to get on with it. Look up the "flower carpet" series, they're an American bred rose that withstands drought and are fairly disease free. I have flowercarpet red and it's delightful.
24 Sep, 2013
And remember that they are a s.... to weed amongst so make sure the soil is really clean before planting.
24 Sep, 2013
Thanks for the reply's. The question seems to be "To prune or not to prune". I will look up Flower Carpet, as Badfish say's and see what is said there.
I really like the look of these roses and think they are very under rated. Has anyone else on GoY planted them, if so can we have some pic's.
24 Sep, 2013
I did have one, but got rid of it as it was so very difficult to weed around. I used to prune it back each year, but only put up with it for about 3 years. There are so many other plants which look great and don't shred your hands every time you need to weed!
24 Sep, 2013
25 Sep, 2013
I have red ground cover rose as well.
They definitely need to be pruned.
I do mine as late as possible in the fall, and take them down to just above the thickest wood at the base.
23 Sep, 2013