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Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom

Can anyone suggest any ideas on how best to design this garden on a low cost budget, please?

All ideas welcome:)



That's a similar shape to one that was shown on here a few weeks ago - wish I could remember whose it was as it was brilliant. Hope someone else will recall it.

27 Sep, 2013


If you can find last week's Gardener's World on BBC2, Monty Don was planting plugs on a slope like this. Meanwhile, you could consider Heathers, Ericas, and low-growing dwarf conifers in various shades of green and gold (you need deep-rooted plants to bind the soil).

27 Sep, 2013


Spray with roundup,

leave for a month,

Spray again

Dig over

Sit back and think about it for a few months

Spray again

Plant up with stuff you've seen online, in magazines,

In general, use the remainder of the summer/autumn to spray off pernicious weeds, then dig the plot over. In the mean time, have a look at plants and designs what you want there.

Think about....maintenance, what kind of design you like, will anyone be looking at the garden, etc

Keep on at the weeds

Think about a nice rockery with lots of low growing alpines and dwarf conifers, maybe a herbaceous border or filling it with annual bedding plants

27 Sep, 2013


Some good suggestions, i agree i think first and foremost its best to grub out all the weeds and weed kill if necessary, but check to see if amongst the weeds there are some decent plants that may be worth saving, just a couple of ideas, one you could possibly paint the fence to a color of your choice and fix some trellis to it possibly get some roofing lats from the builders merchants to make some chunky trellis, cheaper than buying it from one of the main garden centers, then you can clothe this with a climber of your choice, Clematis, climbing rose, honeysuckle, jasmine etc this would be a lovely backdrop, and on the slope you could pack it with perennials to create the cottage garden effect, or a mixed border, but like sheilabub says heathers would be great, these look great once they have established creating a lovely tapestry of foliage/flower effect throughout the year use spring/winter/autumn flowering and plant just a few dwarf type conifers eg ,tsuga,[green] juniper [grey] , thuya [yellow] these three would look fab in a carpet of mixed heathers trim heathers after flowering to keep them compact prune the dwarf conifers occaisionally in a carefull way so as to keep them dwarf, check the soil is ok for the heathers and plant them in ericacious compost, put a lovely small stone birdbath up there and it would look great, but you have so many other option you could choose from.

27 Sep, 2013


If it's any help I have a slope like this and have posted lots of pics of it. Take a peek if you get a Chance :o)

27 Sep, 2013


I wouldn't spray until you know what you've got there. Clear away scrub/brambles, whatever the worst is and then see if there's anything underneath that may be worth keeping. And I wouldn't be rushing about deciding until spring when plants start showing what they can do.
Use the time to gather ideas - check out the Sloping Gardens section under 'S' (from the keys at the bottom of this page)

29 Sep, 2013


Well said, Urbanite . . . I had no idea that was there! What an amazing site this is: perfect for browsing, and finding new things all the time :)

30 Sep, 2013


Many thanks everyone! Much needed advice...sounds like too much of a project! I don't know if I want to do the digging up myself and waiting to see the weeds die. The lady says there is nothing good in the growth consisting of brambles and weeds and she does not wish to wait until Spring to have a good place to look at as a garden. So, Julien, this chunky trellis you speak of, where and how can I obtain and is it something that a handy man can help tie to the exisiting chicken wire type fences?

Thanks Annella...I shall have a peek (again as I saw yours already last week! very nice!)

30 Sep, 2013


There are quite a few pics of it on the sloping garden page as Urbanite suggested, makes life easier when the are all grouped together :o))

30 Sep, 2013


Oh what a challenge, I love a good challenge but think that might be a tad too big a one for me at my age. Steps, more steps, right to the top and a tiered bank would be brilliant, maybe inset some big long sleepers and build up to contain the earth and then a rockery below, wow you are going to be busy. Don't forget to let us see the pictures of work in progress.

2 Oct, 2013

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