By Patfran
United Kingdom
I have put an obelisk in my front garden to try to match up the height of other plants in other corners. I would like to plant an evergreen climber up it, the garden is West facing and quite open, any suggestions please?
28 Sep, 2013
Maybe a pyracantha, their mass of tiny flowers in Spring is a delight followed by the colourful berries in autumn and winter.
29 Sep, 2013
Thanks, I'll look into both of those.
29 Sep, 2013
Clematis repens 'winter beauty' is evergreen and flowers in the winter white flowers.
29 Sep, 2013
Hi, you could try Clematis armandii, although not completely hardy, but should be ok, try to give it as much protection as possible from cold winds, and if we get a cold winter, throw a fleece over it, Derek.
28 Sep, 2013