By Chloehill
United Kingdom
Any solutions?
Bed: Long south facing bed, loamy soil.
Requirements: A bed next to the swimming pool, seen only from the house in winter (about 30m away), seen up close and more frequently, of course, during the summer.
Winter requirements: something to fill the space, with contrasting shades/shapes/sizes.
Summer requirements: summer flowering colour! Lilacs pinks and whites.
Any ideas?
One friend suggested a variety of evergreen shrubs, with non-dense that a variety of clematis can grow up and through them during the summer.
Challenge: Deer and Rabbits!
28 Sep, 2013
Physical barriers I think are the best way to stop deer and rabbits
29 Sep, 2013
Deer and rabbits avoid eating prickly, poisonous or bad tasting plants, such as holly, pyracantha, buddleia, berberis, choisya ternata, dogwood, daphne, rhododendron and yucca.
Take a look at for more ideas.
29 Sep, 2013
Towards the back of the bed, Buddlejas for sure. Available in all the required colours, flowers late summer & loved by butterflies, almost no maintenance and over winter will give a skeletal fountain effect.
29 Sep, 2013
I'm not sure how buddleia can be considered low maintenance when most grow 6 feet per year and require cutting back very hard in spring!
29 Sep, 2013
Hebes are evergreen and flower in the colours you want, for the front of the border. Don't know if rabbits like them though.
29 Sep, 2013
Chloe judging by the size of your garden and the way I picture your pool lay out I would grass it over. Do you have kids or grand kids that would benefit? Could you not put a background border around the back of your pool instead?!
28 Sep, 2013